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Artist Feature- Nerissa S.

Writer's picture: Christine LatifChristine Latif

Hello fellow artists and art lovers. Firstly, all of us here at the Art Shine Foundation want to wish you all a happy new year! We hope all of you are doing well and had a great holiday season. Hopefully, 2021 will be the year where all of us will be able to grow and flourish as artists and creators. We are starting the new year off strong and are featuring a new artist. Everyone, meet Nerissa S.! She is sixteen years old, loves art, and hopes to open up a small shop where she sells and showcases her artworks in the future. Here is our interview with her.

1. Tell us your name, age, and location (city, state, or country if you’re based internationally).

My name is Nerissa, I am 16 years old, and I’m from Toronto, Canada.

2. How did you first get into music, art, and spoken word?

I got into arts, specifically visual arts, at the age of 4. My parents put me in art classes and as soon I learned a few things, I instantly fell in love with it.

3. Who or what are your biggest inspirations that motivate you to create art or write music?

My biggest motivation and inspiration would be my family. They have always encouraged me to express myself through art and they have helped me develop a passion for it. They have supported me through all the ups and downs I faced. Whether I’m stressing during an art exam or excited about winning an art award, they have always been there to cheer me on.

4. What is your favorite piece of art that you have created so far? How about your favorite piece of music that you have written?

My favorite piece of art I have created is a painting of my mother using acrylics. The was the start of my love for working with acrylic paints. Unfortunately, I couldn’t include it in the showcase.

5. What are your current or future goals with your art, music, and spoken word?

I would love to continue doing art alongside my future career because art helps me escape reality and feel tranquility. I would also love to sell my art and give the earnings to charities that make a difference in the world.

6. If you had the opportunity to spend a day with your favorite artist or musician, who would it be and why?

Pablo Picasso would be the artist I would love to spend a day with. His love and passion for art have helped me see art through multiple perspectives and realize how beautiful it is. His art style is also something I aspire to take up, however, I have yet to create pieces that are inspired by his style.

7. Do you have any advice or tips for people that are interested in music and art?

Art is subjective, if you are passionate about it, don’t let other’s opinions stop you from doing what you love. Secondly, everyone has their own style of art and you will find yours with time, just be patient, practice, and don’t stress. Lastly, take pictures of your artwork and create a folder or portfolio!! Trust me, I wish I had done this from the start.

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