Hello, fellow art enthusiasts and lovers. Here at ASF, we are starting to feature artists every week in order to foster more creative expression among our generation's artists. This week, we are featuring an incredible artist that we are so excited for you all to get to know. Meet our first ever featured artist, Neha Marina.

1. What is your name, age, and location? Any fun facts about yourself and your hobbies?
My name is Neha Marina, I’m 16 and live in Sammamish, Washington. I love movies, TV shows, painting, and listening to music. My music includes Harry Styles and the Wallows and I love to focus on surrealist and psychedelic art.
2. How did you first get into digital art and canvas paintings?
I started digital art a little over a year ago and started it as a way to explore possible career paths in digital art and design.
3. Who or what are your biggest inspirations that motivate you to create art?
I have been drawing and ‘making art’ for as long as I can remember, I don’t have any actual motivation, I just do it.
4. How do you plan on using your art to spread awareness or make a difference in the world?
I want to apply for more organizations with humanitarian ideals in roles like graphic design and illustrators in order to have a better platform, and I also want to start my own sustainable clothing brand with my designs on the clothes in order to promote sustainability and its benefits in the environment.
5. What is your favorite piece of digital or canvas art that you have created so far?
My favorite piece of digital art I have created was the very first time I experiment with cubism, it was the first time I tried a style of art other than realism and it has changed the way I express my creativity and has stuck with me since then.
6. What are your current or future goals with your art?
I am currently working on an art and design portfolio for college applications. In the future, I want to pursue design as a career and study that in college although I’m not sure specifically what field of design I want to pursue.
7. If you had the opportunity to spend a day with your favorite artist, who would it be and why?
I would choose to spend the day with Frida Kahlo, she opened a door for me and exposed me to surrealism and its limitless creativity. I wrote a paper on her for school and as I learned more about her, I realized what an inspiration she is to girls and women everywhere, especially because I try to depict aspects of female empowerment in my art.
8. Do you have any advice or tips for people that are interested in art?
The biggest thing I learned that has changed the way I do and look at art is that skill is not the most important aspect of art, creativity is.
Here are a few examples of Neha's amazing work: